Are you satisfied with your tracks sound? I guess you answer “yes”, but….

  • when its in the air it in the club, you feel that it sounds poor and different from top producers recordings
  • when you listen to it outside of the studio where it has been produced (in the car, at Spotify/Apple Music, at a friend's home audio system) you hear that the sound is quite different than you’d like it to be and it differs substantially from the sound you tuned in the studio
  • you hear a track of another producer, and realize that this is the sound you need, but how to get it remains unclear…

When you see something familiar above – than your headache is over! You've just come to the right place!

A team of professionals headed by Andi Vax is ready to assist you!

What is mastering?
What is AI Remastering?
Why should I have my material professionally mastered?
What mastering can't do?
Mastering VS Mixing - what's the difference?
Our album sounds good in the studio where we've recorded it, but sounds bad on other sound systems. Can mastering fix it?
Can mastering help me if I'm sending you a track with defects (for example, too harsh guitars or too loud hats)?
Is it possible to listen to before/after examples?
How do I upload files?
What exactly should I upload?
Do you accept FL Studio, Logic Pro, Ableton Live, Cubase project files?
How can I pay?
How much do I pay?
How long will it take for my music to be mastered and/or mixed?
How do I make revisions?
In which format will I receive my tracks?
What should I do if I'm not happy with your mixing?
What is Andi Vax and SynSUN?